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5 kommentarer

Enligt besökarna ringer
Okänd, Microsoft, Austin, Microsoft,

Opsyst allegedly AMM 2013-09-14
same i follow instruction after rhey ask 210$ for ... look at those sites:
Barodia Bank

first Susan and then 2013-07-04
called me up and told me, I had a problem with my Microsoft computer. Some maleware was just being loaded to the computer. As I asked who they were, they claimed to be from a service center of Microsoft. They gave me the number of my computer and asked me to press the Microsoft and the R-buttom. I told them, it was difficult to understand their Indian English and asked for a german or french speaking officer. Their two german speaking guys were out. I found it strange that a world wide company like Microsoft should not be able to provide an other officer and finished the call.

Austin, Microsoft, 2013-07-03
telling me I have a problem with my computer.

Microsoft 2012-08-18
Said my computer was infected and that I should follow his recommended commandos. Ended the call

Okänd 2012-04-30

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